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CF Yarn; It is the name given to the filament type consisting of some synthetic polymers melted from natural silk or natural polymers that are centered and curled. It consists of filaments curling together in a chain manner. Each fiber passes through the yarn from beginning to end. In addition, to define it, it is divided into two as texturized and untexturized. CF yarn produced from polypropylene raw material with center twist and medium or high strength is used for narrow weaving, home textiles, underwear, furniture and textile accessories, etc. used in the manufacture. Antibacterial in all color tones and for special applications according to customer demand, Production with additives such as antistatic can be made. The advantages of Cf yarn can be defined as flexibility, low density, low thermal conductivity, low moisture absorption, compatibility with foodstuffs, minimum static electricity, and superior resistance to chemicals.

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Principal Mennan Makina
Country Of Origin